Re-Discover Athens | Athens, Greece | Unit 21 | 2019
Awarded Distinction for Design
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As cultural trade become more economically available to everyone, cheap holiday deals and budget airlines keep popular holiday destinations filled with tourists. The ancient citadel, Acropolis, situated within the heart of Athens made its way to the top ten most visited cities in Europe. However, since the economic crisis, many issues arise and form a barrier for the city to progress forward. Issues identified in early research include citizens losing control over their own property and cultural identity. The proposal is a series of six landmarks that sets a new city datum for Athens. The six interventions are individually themed that aims to provide a new way of discovering the city but also act as an opportunity to identify and celebrate the local culture to pass down the legacy. In addition, it is also functioning as an air purification system on the city scale. The series of interventions can be expanded by implementing to the rest of the context and act as a network within the city.
Trade and Exchange
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Site Context
Initiatives, activities and actions that are aimed at disseminating the values of cultural heritage.
Department: Infrastructure, Construction and Building Works
Public Space
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Urban Planning
All planning work aimed at the protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage
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Intervention in Cultural Heritage
All architectural, permanent or ephemeral interventions in architectural properties of heritage interest
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Physical Model