Jess Georgelin

Metamorph | Barcelona, Spain | Unit 21 | The Centre for Lepidoptera research sits on the Turo de la Rovira hill overlooking Barcelona. A feedback system was developed as a way of rethinking rapid prototyping tools, where the final outcome was a product of the tool’s process, rather than a fixed outcome. The maker-object system involves objects that are both observers and observed, such as the interpreting apparatus that allows

Elle Ngamprasertpong

Swimming Landscape Formation | Barcelona, Spain | Unit 21 | The project is a swimming landscape sitting on a hill site overlooking the city center. It is a formation of water landscape following a specific topography. From building scale to human scale, the building is designed following two principles: “viewing angles” and “light reflection”. All elements are designed to be part of the landscape, with water flowing naturally from

Pasathorn Srichaiyongphanich

Terra-Scape | Barcelona, Spain | Unit 21 | “Terra-Scape”, a ceramics gallery integrating greenery within 3D-printed bespoke terracotta systems. The initiative reintroduces buildings as green networks to Barcelona, the city’s rich ceramic tradition, historically valued for its adaptability to the Mediterranean climate. The project focuses on utilizing form and colour variations of bricks to control lights. By utilizing a customized image sampling script, nine 3D-printed brick systems are created to

Alex Perez

La Nova Generalitat Catalana | Barcelona, Spain | Unit 21 | In this project, we embark on a meticulous exploration of architectural design at a historically significant location. Our endeavour unfolds within a setting where preserving the existing façade, seating, and sand is paramount, rooted in a rich tapestry of historical relevance. The aim is to seamlessly integrate artificial intelligence with history and tradition, crafting a narrative that honours

Karina Lacraru

Learning The Ropes” – Barcelona Sailing Academy | Barcelona, Spain | Unit 21 | The project investigates the permanent courtship between sea and land, situating Barcelona’s Port Vell on the coastline of the built-up landscape. The Old Port represented the primary protector against storms, waves, and general inclement weather conditions. My chosen site, ‘Parc de Gossos’, a Dog Park – is currently a green space that functions as a

Yufei Cheng

El Gòtic Plays Itself | Barcelona, Spain | Unit 21 | 2024 Situated within the historic core of Barcelona, this project conceptualizes a center for Catalan theatre and craftsmanship, drawing on the Spanish proclivity for festivals and theatrical expressions that transmute quotidian street life into elaborate stage settings.   The methodology involves documenting and translating the cyclical patterns of seasonal changes, theatrical productions, street festivals, and parades into digitally

Yuna Lee

Whispers in Shadows | Barcelona, Spain | Unit 21 | Located near Park Güell in Barcelona, my building project aims to provide a dedicated space for archaeological forensics and serve as an institute for learning and advancing knowledge in this field. This endeavor includes preserving artifacts and tracing their origins through time, offering insights into historical living conditions in Barcelona.Additionally, the project involves establishing a museum to exhibit these

Sneha Parashar

Resonant Geometries: The Mechanics of Dance | Barcelona, Spain | Unit 21 | 2024 Located in the Eixample area of Barcelona, the music and dance department extension for the Maristes La Immaculada school provides an alternate environment for learning the creative arts. The seemingly abstract geometries throughout the building are formed from three different types of rhythms found in flamenco: heelwork, guitar music and vocals, formed through specified TouchDesigner

Yumeng Yang

Re-weaving Can Batlló | Barcelona, Spain | Unit 21 | 2024 The project explores the growth pattern from the study and simulation of tree’s mychorrhizal networks. Utilizing Grasshopper scripts, simulation networks are crafted between sources, with initial routes avoiding existing obstacles in the first generation. A new script is then introduced to establish connections between these routes through form generation and curve interference. The results drive the next loop, which

Milda Knabikaite

Pocket Space Community Garden | Barcelona, Spain | Unit 21 | 2024 The project is driven by a design methodology which involved viewing the city through the lens of five scales of unconventional metrics. Barcelona was dissected into the key moments of its ongoing urban development, the analysis of which determined a set of Powers of Barcelona (referencing Powers of Ten™ 1977). These unconventional scales offered different strategies of

Michaelia Zheng

All’s Well That Ends Well | Florence, Italy | Unit 21 | 2023 Inspired by the history of local weather research and development in Florence, the project takes the Fondazione Osservatorio Ximeniano and the Museo Galileo as its main references to envisage a new meteorological observatory, research and meteorological history archive centre on the north bank of the Arno River. In this vision, the centre would serve local residents, tourists,

Sam Pierce

The Observer Effect | Brighton, UK | Unit 21 | 2021 In physics, the observer effect is the disturbance of an observed system by the act of observation. This is often the result of instruments that, by necessity, alter the state of what they measure in some manner. This project attempts to embrace the uncertainties of observation through developing frameworks that transform records of everyday presence into a spatial form.

Jonathan Davies

THE MEDI-TERRAIN: A NEW THALASSOCRACY | Marseille, France | Unit 21 | 2016 Awarded Saint-Gobain Innovation Award for Design Realisation   Click to see Design Realisation The project aims to re-imagine the organizational strategy of the Mediterranean region – an alliance of port cities independent of national identity holding semi-autonomy, as is generated from a networked system. The ports themselves become nodes, marked by non-monumental networked infrastructure and named the ‘Medi-Terrain’ or ‘Middle Ground’. This

Sally Taylor

  MARSEILLE: METAPHYSICAL DATA SYSTEMS | Marseille, France | Unit 21 | 2016  Click to see Design Realisation   Marseille has two ports located within close proximity of the city centre. The original Vieux Port is situated near the old town of Le Panier, but maritime traffic becomes too intense and the port was extended north of the city. Port Marseille Fos was built and it now serves as the

Thomas Savage

L’IMAGINAIRE COLLECTIF DE MARSEILLE | Marseille, France | Unit 21 | 2016  Using French cinema as a tool for investigation, the proposal explores a new marketplace against the backdrop of a central and unofficial district which typifes the perception of the city it is located in. The project proposes the re-imaging of the Noailles district, Marseille. Nicknamed “The Belly of Marseille” for its embodiment of the cities national perception – a

Katherine Scott

METROPOLE AIX-MARSEILLE-PROVENCE: A NEW POLITICAL CENTRE FOR A NEW TERRITORY | Marseille, France | Unit 21 | 2016  Click to see Design Realisation On the 1st January 2016, a new territory was formed: Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropole. Over the next few years, the Metropole will be increasingly acquiring power, through a devolvement from the Paris French Government. This premise formed the basis for my dataset when investigating Marseille: What is the political climate of

Marianna Filippou

MARSEILLE MUSIC AND CULTURAL CENTRE | Marseille, France | Unit 21 | 2016   Click to see Thesis Click to see 4th Year work     Marseille is characterised by its transiency and cultural diversity seen in its importing and exporting activities that take place in the coast and expand in the mainland. The concept behind the proposed scheme for Marseille has been developed through the experience of the city as a

Tomohiro Sugeta

TRANSLATING COLLECTIVE PORTRAITS OF CITY TO URBAN INTERVENTIONS – IMAGINARY MARSEILLE ON INSTAGRAM | Marseille, France | Unit 21 | 2016 Awarded Distinction for Thesis   Click to see Thesis The focus of the project is to explore the possibilities in designing urban interventions by translating data obtained from Instagram in Marseille. This bottom-up approach informed geometrical principles and a site strategy, while the project attempts to reinvent civil space through a

Samson Simberg

LONDON UNDER LONDON | London, England | Unit 21 | 2015 MUSEUM OF LONDON – ANNEX | London, England | Unit 21 | 2015   Click to see Design Realisation     London Under London   There is more to the city of London than meets the eye… Beneath its streets is another world. Interested in the London under London, I began to investigate and map this hidden world, discovering a

Charlotte Reynolds

UUSI KALLIO COMMON + URBAN QUARRY | Helsinki, Finland | Unit 21 | 2015 Awarded Distinction for Design & Distinction for Thesis Awarded The Bartlett Medal   Click to see Thesis Click to see 4th Year work     Uusi Kallio Common + Urban Quarry The proposal for Uusi Kallio Common + Urban Granite Quarry, Helsinki was inspired by initial research into the unique geological and cartograpic composition of Finland. Finland,

Sophie Richards Y4

Sophie Richards

20 MINUTES AT THE BARBICAN | London, England | Unit 21 | 2015 A POLITICAL ENCLAVE | London, England | Unit 21 | 2015 Click to see Design Realisation     20 Minutes at the Barbican   Sound creates an invisible architecture, which greatly influences our experience of a space, without physically announcing its presence. It is a force which defines both the internal and external, designed and aleatory spaces

Jamie Lilley Y5

Jamie Lilley

LOCATING HELSINKI | Helsinki, Finland | Unit 21 | 2015 A MASTERPLAN FOR THE HELSINKI METROPOLITAN AREA ASSEMBLY | Helsinki, Finland | Unit 21 | 2015 Awarded Distinction for Design &  Distinction for Thesis Awarded The Bartlett Medal Click to see Thesis Click to see 4th Year Work   Locating Helsinki: Using Cartographic Methods to Depict the Shifting Physical and Digital Loci of the Capital Cartography provides identity, clarity and a grounding to the understanding

Angeline Wee Y4

Angeline Wee

NAVIGATING METRO-LAND | London, England | Unit 21 | 2015 THE OFFLINE PARK | London, England | Unit 21 | 2015 Click to see Design Realisation   Navigating Metro-land      Owning surplus land along their railway route, The Metropolitan Railway started to develop housing estates on these sites encouraging suburban living outside of the industrial city centre, in turn boosting season ticket sales along their extension line. Between 1915

Jens Y5

Jens Kongstad Olesen

HERNESAARI SNOW DUMPING PARK | Helsinki, Finland | Unit 21 | 2015 Awarded Distinction for Design &  Distinction for Thesis Click to see Thesis Click to see 4th Year work   Hernesaari Snow Dumping Park       Helsinki has an average snowfall of two meters every winter, posing a major infrastructural challenge to the city. To keep the city functioning two thousand truckloads of snow are removed from the

Marianna Filippou

CONSTRUCTED MICROCLIMATES | London, England | Unit 21 | 2015   Click to see Design Realisation     Constructed Microclimates   The brief of the project suggests to develop a building proposition using the air rights space above Barbican Underground Station as a site and Transport for London Head of Urban Design acting as a client for the project. The site is an active underground station exposed to all weather